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联结世界,追梦未来 | 上海青浦区世外学校小学融合课程班介绍
发布日期:2025-01-04 15:40    点击次数:120
融合课程班(以下简称课程班)实施中外教包班式双语教学。在落实国家课程要求的基础上,以超学科主题开展探究式学习。希望通过尊重个体的差异化教学,促进学习的多元评价体系,持续提升学生的五大技能,培养勤学好问、知识渊博、富有爱心的终身学习者。Our co-homeroom teacher model provides a bilingual learning context and multi-cultural environment. We are supported by an advanced educational philosophy, a core management team with high-quality educational resources. Our curriculum features the International Baccalaureate framework. We strive to develop lifelong learners through traditional values with global perspectives, with respect for multiculturalism.课程班旨在培养走向世界的中国人,提供满足中国学生发展需求的、有全球影响力的优质教育。学生既能立足中华文化,又能理解和尊重多元文化,为开创更美好、更和平的世界贡献力量。The Integration Department is committed to developing international-minded students who are active and engaged in the wider community. We encourage life-long learning through traditional values and global perspectives. Our students are cultivated to value their own national identities, possess a global mindset, and acquire the skills to thrive in a global environment. 超学科模式打破传统学科的界限,以六大超学科主题构建课程框架,学生通过协作探究的方式形成对自我、他人与世界的认知。Transdisciplinary learning breaks the boundaries of disciplines. Students form cognition of themselves, others, and the world around them through collaborative inquiry. 学习不仅是当下的,更是面向未来的;学习不仅是课堂接受,更是主动思考;学习不仅是个人独立深入的思考,更是合作交流与分享。在学术与应用的融合中,学生通过项目化、合作式的学习方式探究真实、有意义的问题,知其所以然并能够融会贯通。Inquiry-based learning emphasizes a student’s role in the learning process. Our curriculum is an inquiry-based, transdisciplinary framework that builds conceptual understanding. It aims to offer world-class education and delivers teaching practice that is informed by evidence-based research. Students here learn through play, problem-based learning, collaboration, experimentation, and explicit teaching to acquire student agency. 教师是“因材施教”的践行者。我们开展高品质的教学创新,为每个孩子制定个性化的学习方案,提高学习者的综合学习力。学生的学习成果不仅是知识总量的增加,更是学习效率、学习品质、思辨力、创造力等多维能力的提升。Personalised education is offered to students that meet individual learning needs, so each student can discover, explore and develop their potential. 融合班的学科教学涵盖六大学习领域,是基于国家课程标准的校本化实施。一方面夯实学生的学科基础,培育学生的学科核心素养;另一方面,各学科与探究单元的融合,为学生打造全面而丰富的学习经历。Subject teaching in the Integration Department covers six subject areas and is a school-based implementation of the national curriculum standards. On the one hand, it provides a solid foundation of the students’ academic learning as well as developing their core competence of different disciplines. On the other hand, various disciplines are actively integrated with the transdisciplinary inquiry to foster a comprehensive and rich learning experience.个性化的教学方式需要多元的评估标准。课程班既重视学习成果对教学的反馈,又重视孩子们在学习过程中的点滴成长。多维度评价学生的综合能力,鼓励每位学生的个性发展。Students undergo authentic assessments meaning the assessment methods are varied and beyond typical examinations. Students are assessed on their academic skills, conceptual understanding, and skill attributes. 孩子是未来的领导者,是未来世界的开创者。尊重每个孩子的独立人格和兴趣爱好,构建以学习者为中心的学习社区,激发孩子们热情持久的学习动力,让每个孩子成为终身学习者。Our students of the future build the knowledge, skills, attributes, and dispositions to be an accomplished person and lifelong individual. The Integration Department is devoted to nurturing leaders of tomorrow who are knowledgeable, compassionate, and internationally-minded.